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has made it to the finals of The Netherlands' biggest music production contest yet on the biggest radio statio of Holland, the Radio538 DemoDuel. It is a contest in which you have to upload your songs to, which gives you the oppertunity to try and make it to the quarter finals.. I've been in the Top 10 of all time there for 4 days. 2 weeks later, two weeks ago now, i got a call from the radio station. They asked me if it was okay if my song would be played on the radio that evening! I was so fucking happy. ;P Well.. Offcourse i said yes, and i participated in the quarter finals against 1 other guy.. as much as possible listeners voted by SMSing, which they thought the best song was.. Came out, that 59.7% of all the votes were MINE! SO, i made it to the half-finals!! That was the following thursday after the day of the quarter finals.
At school, i asked for support of all my friends and i alos asked all my family to vote for me. That thirsday night.. Was the best night of my life. I won against 2 other VERY good producers, with 53.3%.. You could'nt imagine how fucking thankful i was to all the people that voted.. I appreciated it SO much!! I could've cryed that night of happiness..
I, Denn-C, am in the FINALS of this 538DemoDuel! which will take place mid-april!
Now you would think.. what is this contest about then?
It's about a very good record deal at 8ballRecords.. a big label in holland..
Sorry for the mess in this post.. XD lol
Thanks EVERYBODY SOOOOO MUCH, for giving this oppertunity.. I love you all.
And Céline, if you ever read this.. I love you. And thanks for your support through all the times I've been sad.. or if i needed your help.. you can't imagine how thankfull i am for being your boyfriend.
4 ever my love.
Look, this is how it looks on their website now(A)
luck's on your side bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D