YES! Oooeh way better=)
This is so much better then that other song i reviewd=D
This one is more outputting what ur skillz are:D
The melody is nicely done, nice leads though i think its nexus..
But hey, I think i mentioned it in that other review too, ur mixng isnt one of the best.. u gotta work on it man!
So here are some tips and comments of this song:D :
-Those reeverbed kicks and crahses are overpowering the whole song, which is quite distorting, this gives me again this bad mixed feeling..
- There seems to be alot going on in this breakout.. Try making it sound as full as possible, but with the least of vstis and stuff, so try making a maximum sound with minimal tools.. That probably will also fix ur mixing problem a little bit:D
-That intro is really nice:D i am being picky now but i think those choirs need a longer release and a short attack, so it gets a little bit ambient:D
-The transitions are really good, though i also think you could lower the colume of the wooshes too.. so it doesnt overpower;D
- Try some slicing with vox and crashes for a better outcome of the transition:D
- Try keeping those hihats at the regular scale, then u can play with closed hihats and other percussion to fill the beat up:D
- Try making ur leads less nexus-ish, try putting on some highband in an paramatic equalizer:D
That's about it:D
Maybe we could collab sometime, i could learn you soe stuff:D
Wanna check my demo too? Would be awesome if u'd leave a review:D
add me on msn if u liek too :
G'day m8!